Imaginal Journal
Imagination is Medicine
Pleasure by Feist
Get what I want
And still it's a mysterious thing that I want
So when I get it
I make sense of a mysterious thing
'Cause I've taken flight on such a serious wing
I, and you are the same and
Either fiction or dreaming
We know enough to admit
We know enough to admit
We know enough to admit
It's my pleasure
And your pleasure
It's my pleasure
And your pleasure
Oh, an echo calls up the line
Indication of time
Our togetherness
That is how we evolved
We became our needs
Ages up inside
Escaping similar pain
Dreaming safe and secure
Generations in line
Old and then the youth
Come to meet or fade
A chromosomal raid
Built by what we got built for
As much as what we avoid
So the mystery lifts
We know enough to admit
We know enough to admit
It's my pleasure
And your pleasure
It's my pleasure
And your pleasure
That's the same
That's what we're here for!
Pleasure, it's my pleasure
It's my pleasure, it's my pleasure
That's what we're here for!
Pleasure, it's my pleasure
It's my pleasure, it's my pleasure
That's what we're here for!
Pleasure, oh
You know it's true
Pleasure, pleasure
Pleasure, pleasure
Pleasure, pleasure
Pleasure, pleasure
Artist Series with Graciela Iturbide
Diving into the work of Graciela Iturbide after a friend gifted me her beautiful book of photography, Juchitan de las mujeres.
WARNING: Contains graphic images and content
Village Magic
by Graciela Iturbide from Juchitan de las mujeres
Immersed in a frequency of village magic this week. A deep sense of what it is to be known and beloved by a community. I received so much grace this week from strangers, neighbors, colleagues and friends.
13 Reason Why
This series struck such a cord with so many who have struggled with suicidal ideation and the plights and initations of teenhood. A powerful series.
Life is a Total Thing by Krishnamurti
“Death must be something extraordinary, as life is. Life is a total thing. Sorrow, pain, anguish, joy, absurd ideas, possession, envy, love, the aching misery of loneliness — all that is life. And to understand death, we must understand the whole life, not take just one fragment of it and live with that fragment, as most of us do. In the very understanding of life there is the understanding of death, because the two are not separate.