Imaginal Journal
Imagination is Medicine
Earth Daughters
My Women's Day inspiration is being with abuelita Briji on our land in Mexico (circa 2000) as she lives on in my heart. Earth daughters everywhere I honor you
Juana Ines Series
Watching the biographical series on Juana Ines with tremendous respect for this extraordinary woman and Mexican icon.
All Apologies by Nirvana
Made an unofficial Cobain Day with my loves in remembrance. HBD Kurt.
Magnificent by Elbow
This is where, this is where the bottle lands
Where all the biggest questions meet
With little feet stood in the sand
This is where the echoes swell to nothing on the tide
And where a tiny pair of hands
Finds a sea-worn piece of glass
And sets it as a sapphire in her mind
And there she stands
Throwing both her arms around the world
The world that doesn’t even know
How much it needs this little girl
It’s all gonna be magnificent, she says
It’s all gonna be magnificent
This is where it all began
To light your mother’s cigarette
And I got to touch her hand
And my heart, there defrosting in a gaze
Wasn’t built to beat that way
Suddenly I understand
There on the sand
Throwing both her arms around the world
The world that doesn’t even know
How much it needs this little girl
It’s all gonna be magnificent, she says
It’s all gonna be magnificent
It’s all gonna be magnificent, she says
It’s all gonna be magnificent
The echoes slow, the bottle lands
The echoes slow, and there she stands
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible with Charles Eisenstein
Went to see Charles Eisenstein at a speaking engagement and found myself profoundly moved to be of service in this paradigm shift. Highly recommend his book The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible
Ecocide by Cristina Benitez Allen
Indignation is our invitation.
Let it begin to teach us
about our dignity,
begin the work of digging
with dirt in our nails,
willing to become intimate
with the wisdom of the soil
only found by the demolition
of the concrete that
we assumed would be
our soft landing.
Now we long for the sweet grass,
the sweat lodge,
the sweet sweat of communion
with the warm mother.
Or we continue to ignore
this yearning all together
and yield only profits
and global warming
until we are all underwater,
engulfed in our unconscious
and forced to rebuild by collapse,
when instead we deserve
sweet surrender.