Imaginal Journal
Imagination is Medicine
Sumo by David Hockney
Sweet magical colors! Loving this bright start to the year visiting the Taschen Gallery for David Hockey's giant new book SUMO.
20th Century Women
Loved Mike Mill's portrait of his mother and their relationship in this film. Makes me think of how loneliness can bring people together in solidarity and kinship.
And so it is. Over eight years ago I saw this ship on the cover of a first edition of Gabriel Garcia Marquez' One Hundred Years of Solitude. I knew then I wanted this as a tattoo but it wasn't until debilitating injuries forced me to forge a new path and uncover my own myth when I finally read the book cover to cover on a trip to Mexico before I started grad school. This year my entire family were able to return together to Mexico, it also marks ten years since my abuelita Brigida passed. This ship with no sails is symbolic of the legacies that move from generation to generation and the magical stories engendered to make sense of it all.