Imaginal Journal

Imagination is Medicine

Cristy Cristy

Pet Sounds

At the Del Mar Fairgrounds for the 50th Anniversary of Pet Sounds with Brian Wilson

At the Del Mar Fairgrounds for the 50th Anniversary of Pet Sounds with Brian Wilson

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Cristy Cristy

Hearing the Cries of the World

I found this article, Hearing the Cries of World in Parabola by Mark Nepo, helpful in light of feeling a bit helpless with the social tragedies of late. An offering for those of us that feel overwhelmed and are struggling with the suffering in the world and a call to remain open hearted and compassionate

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Cristy Cristy

Marriage Over Time

Thinking of the 1973 film, Scenes from a Marriage.

Such an intimate portrayal of a marriage over time by Swedish director Ingmar Bergman, which was originally a mini-series. It explores the highs and lows of romantic love that relentlessly binds us together.

One of my favorite scenes is towards the end when the couple is already divorced and Johan, the ex-husband comes over for dinner. Marianne, the ex-wife, starts reading from a journal about herself growing up, how she always felt awkward and allowed other people to define her, as Johan falls asleep listening to her.

Both characters are so poignant in expressing the real depth and emotion of female and male energies, behaviors and expressions.

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Cristy Cristy

It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are

Sharing this article that covers the topic of inherited trauma more deeply explored in the book, It Didn’t Start With You: How Inherited Family Trauma Shapes Who We Are by Mark Wolynn.

When those in our family have experienced unbearable traumas or have suffered with immense guilt or grief, the feelings can be overwhelming and can escalate beyond what they can manage or resolve. It’s human nature; when pain is too great, people tend to avoid it. Yet when we block the feelings, we unknowingly stunt the necessary healing process that can lead us to a natural release.
— Mark Wolynn
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