Imaginal Journal

Imagination is Medicine

Cristy Cristy

Leonora por Elena Poniatowksa

Finally getting air to read for pleasure and getting around to this wonderful book on the life of surrealist artist Leonora Carrington that my dear friend brought me back from Mexico at first release. Love watching the beloved Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska delight in telling Leonora’s story as seen in this interview.


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Cristy Cristy

Sufi Red Whirling Dervish

Experienced this performance of devotion and enchantment with a dear friend when it travelled through LA this spring. Pierces the soul.

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Cristy Cristy

Moon Sisters


Feeling grateful & honored to share the journey with the soul-centered women of my tribe.

"Women who are supported by a circle of sisterhood as a monthly practice, navigate challenges with dignity, grace & shared laughter instead of breaking alone under pressure.

It's time for the women to help each other rise - as one positive force for global social change founded on personal happiness." -Moon Woman, Red Tent Facilitator



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Cristy Cristy

Let Love Reign


Today is a victory for every individual who has had to come out each and every day to show up for themselves and their truth to structures from governments to family that marginalized, shamed, and oppressed the personal spirit, claiming their right to love and be loved.

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Cristy Cristy

Love & Mercy

A touching biopic on Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys who survived abuse, exploitation, mental health breakdown and the pressures of success with his genius and genie for love and mercy.

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