Imaginal Journal
Imagination is Medicine
How to Start Prioritizing People Over Products and Creativity Over Consumption
Great content from Brain Picker on Buddhist Economics on the subject of prioritizing educating, elevating, and enlightening people to create compassionate and creative economies from theorist E.F. Shumaucher.
“While the materialist is mainly interested in goods, the Buddhist is mainly interested in liberation. But Buddhism is “The Middle Way” and therefore in no way antagonistic to physical well-being. It is not wealth that stands in the way of liberation but the attachment to wealth; not the enjoyment of pleasurable things but the craving for them. The keynote of Buddhist economics, therefore, is simplicity and non-violence. From an economist’s point of view, the marvel of the Buddhist way of life is the utter rationality of its pattern — amazingly small means leading to extraordinarily satisfactory results.”
Our Own Potentialities
“This, I believe, is the great Western truth: that each of us is a completely unique creature and that, if we are ever to give any gift to the world, it will have to come out of our own experience and fulfillment of our own potentialities, not someone else’s.”
Hasta La Raiz by Natalia Lafourcade
To the Root
I keep crossing rivers,
Walking through forests,
Loving the sun
Every day I keep pulling thorns
From the depths of my heart
At night I keep igniting dreams
To clean every memory with sacred smoke
When I write your name
In the white sand with a blue background
When I look at the sky, in the cruel form of a grey cloud,
You appear
One evening, climb a high hill
Look at the past
You will know that I have not forgotten
I carry you inside me, to the root
And, that you may grow better, you will be here
Although I hide myself behind the mountain
And find a field full of sugar cane
There will be no way, my moonbeam,
For you to leave
I think that every instant survived while walking
And every second of uncertainty
Every moment of not knowing
Are the exact key to this tissue
That I always carry under my skin
In this way I protect you
Here, follow me inside
I carry you inside me, to the root
And, that you may grow better, you will be here
Although I hide myself behind the mountain
And find a field full of sugar cane
There will be no way, my moonbeam,
For you to leave