Imaginal Journal

Imagination is Medicine

Cristy Cristy

Ordinary Miracle

by Barbara Kingsolver

I have mourned lost days

When I accomplished nothing of importance.

But not lately.

Lately under the lunar tide

Of a woman's ocean, I work

My own sea-change:

Turning grains of sand to human eyes.

I daydream after breakfast

While the spirit of egg and toast

Knits together a length of bone

As fine as a wheatstalk.

Later, as I postpone weeding the garden

I will make two hands

That may tend a hundred gardens.

I need ten full moons exactly

For keeping the animal promise.

I offer myself up: unsaintly, but

Transmuted anyway

By the most ordinary miracle.

I am nothing in this world beyond the things one woman does.

But here are eyes that once were pearls.

And here is a second chance where there was none.

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Cristy Cristy

Wolf Fur

Wolf Fur by Heidi Hanson

Be very still

like a cat

waiting on a mouse,

like the snow blanketing

at dawn.



Allow the cords of pain writhing

to stop, to yawn, to gaze at shadows dancing on a safe child’s ceiling;

allow the panicked what-ifs squeezing your mind

to hold teacups instead

and to contemplate the

steam rising into the air, in a quaint café on the corner of here and here,

now and now,

and draw finger circles on the window.

Still the thoughts

in the midst of their

gripping certainties

their clutching, heart-stopping

march of tears; still them even as the

flags of terror are snapping

in whirlwinds of cacophony.

Be with one muscle.

Be with the bracing intestines;

Be with the heart so lost but beating the rhythm of life


Be with the tiniest muscle you can find.

Quiet the lies fountaining forth an endless sermon of doubt,


upon nightmares

churning stomach

black boxes

of twisted code tumbling from unholy heavens.

Open all the boxes.

Throw their contents into the humming heart of your cultivated presence;

ask the one-who-stands-with you always;

ask the tree whispers falling around you;

ask the small leaves glistening, finding you;

ask the wolf radiating the fierce heat of the center of your heart through its fur;

ask them to hold your entire experience, every moment.

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