Imaginal Journal

Imagination is Medicine

Cristy Cristy


Compassion is not a relationship between the healer and the wounded. Its a relationship between equals. Only when we know our darkness well can we be present with the darkness of others. Compassion becomes real when we recognize our shared humanity.
— Pema Chodren
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Cristy Cristy

Seeding Ritual


When life asks you to stay in relationship to your suffering without any easy answers or resolution.

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Cristy Cristy

No Pressure by Ray LaMontagne

I hate to see you breaking down
Hey, no pressure
I hate to watch you fall apart
Hey, no pressure
I want to help you through it all
Hey, no pressure
Hey, no pressure
I want to lift you when you fall
Hey, no pressure
Hey, no pressure

Anything you want your life to mean, it can mean
Anything you want your life to mean, it can mean

This life is full of give and take
Hey, no pressure
Be careful of each step you take
Hey, no pressure
It doesn't matter lose or win
Hey, no pressure
Hey, no pressure
It's all illusion in the end
Hey, no pressure

Anything you want to be, you can be
Anything you want to be, you can be
Anything you want your life to mean, it can mean
Anything you want your life to mean, it can mean

I hate to see you crumbling
Hey, no pressure
You need to know we are your friends
Hey, no pressure
This life is full of give and take
Hey, no pressure
Hey, no pressure
Be careful of the choice you make
Hey, no pressure
Hey, no pressure

Anything you want your life to mean, it can mean
Anything you want your life to mean, it can mean
Anything you want to be, you can be
Anything you want to be, you can be

Hey, no pressure

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Cristy Cristy

Moral Courage

A story of moral courage to reconcile, reckon, and reimagine how to be with our pain, judgments and humanity.

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Cristy Cristy


When a flower doesn’t bloom, you fix the environment in which it grows, not the flower.
— Alexander Den Heijer
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Cristy Cristy



Love synchronicity. Getting across SF, my uber driver from East Sudan shared about the value of ritual, noting his sisters' African coffee gatherings for women in contrast to American donut & coffee workplace Fridays. With clear insights on people's boundaries, he offered the gist of his pending thesis on cultural divides and I am planning on emailing him trickster tales on Eshu that I included in my own thesis.

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