The Imaginal Journal
The Imaginal Journal is dedicated to sharing images and insights related to the field of depth psychology, the humanities, collective and self study with gentleness, humor, and humanness. My aim is to make depth topics accessible and practical by sharing images I am curating and in process with.
My offerings are to support, resource, and amplify our relationship to life and the unconscious by considering the deeper layers of experience, wisdom, and meaning through symbols, archetypes, myths, fairytales, film, music, art, writing, and poetry– in short through our feeling to the realm of imagination by referencing creative and insightful people and their gems on life.
I invite you to engage in the liminal space between psyche and soma, soul and spirit, light and dark, feminine and masculine, being and doing, space and matter, birth and death, self and other, that holds the potential for transformation, wholeness, acceptance, and alignment with life and our fellow sojourners.