Masculine and Feminine with Marion Woodman
"Positive masculine energy is goal oriented and has the strength of purpose to move forward that goal. It disciplines itself to make the most of its gifts—physical, intellectual, spiritual—attempting to bring them into harmony. It comes to recognize its own individuality, and paradoxically the stronger it becomes the less rigid it becomes and the more flexible. It does not depend on old patterns of behavior, old habits, old traditions… It learns to hold perfect tension between a firm standpoint and the surrender to the creative feminine forces within. Its penetrating power inseminates and releases the creativity of the feminine."
"The feminine is a vast ocean of eternal Being. It was, is and shall be… It contains the potential seeds for life; it knows the laws of nature and exacts those laws with ruthless justice; it lives in the eternal Now. It has its own rythyms, slower than the masculine, meandering, moving in a spiral motion, seemingly turning back on itself, but inevitably attracted to the light… its attitude is always one of play because it loves life. It loves, and if the love is penetrated by the positive masculine, its energies are released to flow into life with a constant flow of new hope, new faith, new dimensions of love… always grounded in natural instincts… always on the side of life."
Excerpts from 'Addicted to Perfection' by Marion Woodman